Preparation of Self Hardening-modelling Polyurethane for Wood Repairing and Cracks Injection

Document Type : Original Article


 Self hardening composite as a modelling clay was prepared from polyurethane, two parts (A) and (B) where (A) contains polyol (polyether), vinyl acetate versatic ester copolymer (VAcVe) and magnesium silicate or wood powder and (B) contains toluene diisocyanate (TDI) as a hardening agent. The two parts mixed thoroughly giving soft putty like feel, open working time 1-2 h and cures hard overnight (24 h full cure). Factors affecting working time and full cure were evaluated. Also, measurements of surface hardness, compressive strength, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), water absorption and effect of ionizing radiation were studied.
The suggestion for using the prepared polyurethane composite as clay dries as hard as a rock in the field of wood repair and cracks injection for building walls were recommended.
