Enhancement of Corrosion Protection of UV Curable Coatings in the Presence of Aliphatic and Aromatic Amine Compounds

Document Type : Original Article


 CORROSION inhibitors based on aromatic amine; 4-carboxy aniline (CA) and aliphatic amine; acrylamide (AA) were prepared. CA and AA amine compounds allowed reacting with epoxidized sunflower oil (ESO) at 130oC for 3h to prepare amine adducts ESO/ CA and ESO/ AA, respectively. The adducts were characterized by IR-spectroscopy and oxirane content determination. Different ratio of prepared adduct were added in coating formulations based on epoxy acrylate oligomers to evaluate them as corrosion inhibitors on metal substrates under UV radiation. Corrosion resistance tests and wt loss values were measured for all cured films, in addition to the physical and mechanical measurements. It was found that the coating films containing CA have high resistance for corrosion of metal than AA and the optimum concentration is 0.5%.
